Loan management trick

Unfortunately, there is no function for loan/debt management at this moment but we have got a little trick for you πŸ•΅

Simply create a cash wallet πŸ‘› change the initial balance (to a negative amount) and on monthly basis, transfer a positive amount to that wallet - by that the loan/negative amount will decrease. πŸ’Έ

How to adjust the initial balance in the mobile app? 🧐

Open your wallet  βž click on settings in the upper right corner βž change the balance to negative amount βž confirm by clicking on "Save changes"

How to adjust the initial balance in the web app? πŸ’»

Log in to the Web app βž open your wallet on the dashboard βž click on the Wallet settings section βž change the balance to negative amount βž confirm by clicking on "Update settings".

NOTE: It's not possible to change the initial balance of bank accounts!

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